Boris de la Higuera
Acteur - Scénariste - Voix Off

Kobra Fist

posted in: Acting, Hara Kiwi, Screenwriting | 0

In September 2018 was held the Kino Kabaret Intenational de Bordeaux. It’s an event during which, participants are invited to make a short film in less than 72 hours. With my co-writer Gabriel Feuvrier, we wrote, shot and edited this … Continued

Meet The Director

posted in: Acting, Hara Kiwi, Screenwriting | 0

Meet The Director is a short film by Hara Kiwi within Kino Session, an association from Bordeaux who help with film production and often organises screening in amazing places around Bordeaux. Here, Hara Kiwi was invited to produce a 4 … Continued